A new start
So, I’m delighted to announce that I will be beginning the next chapter of my teaching career this January as Assistant headteacher for...

Nightmares and Dreams
When I think of some of the most tough days of my career - many of them wouldn’t, in fact, be school days. I know, crazy right. But...

How to write on education: insider tips!
Last week in London, I had the pleasure of meeting up with Ed Dorrell, content editor at the TES. The interview here could be super...

Essential History Teaching Templates 2017/2018
Its always annoyed me how much quality stuff I see and come across on the twittersphere and elsewhere that can be transferable in a...

Your 1st 5 minutes as a brand new HOD
Download the "1st 5 minutes as a HOD" sheet If you're feeling dizzy about a new middle leadership role, this blog is for you! Before you...

Michaela OFSTED grading is another example of a broken inspection system
Firstly, let me say congratulations to the staff and students at Michaela Community School, not for anything to do with their recent...

When one teacher calls another teacher a **** online
This week, a successful headteacher took to twitter to lambast another teacher he’d never met. It went something like this - “Jonathon...

My most popular TES blogs, ever
I have now written more than 50 articles for TES online (and two in the magazine) since December 2015. I've learnt so much along the way,...

Future History Teaching: Gaming in the Classroom
Last month, Gavin, one of my Year 7 students came up to me after a lesson and said - "I already know about the Battle of Hastings, I know...

Teaching History - BIG
What is "Big" History? For me, its anything that captures the imagination, enthuses or even sparks inspiration for students in a History...