I met Doreen Marsden recently as she moved into the block of flats where I live. Her story is both tragic and inspirational. Doreen is now 55 years old but lost her son, Lee, in 1999 at the tender age of 23. He died from a disease called Necrotising fasciitis. The term necrotising fasciitis comes from the words 'necrosis', which means death of a portion of tissue (flesh) and 'fascia', the name given to the sheets or bands of fibrous tissue which enclose and connect the muscles. NF is a severe infection involving the soft tissue below the skin, particularly the fascia. It can affect any part of the body but it is most common on the legs. Lee died very quickly after getting infected. You can read Doreen’s story here. Doreen has worked on building up her charity, the Lee Spark foundation, ever since and supports those people who have the problem but also those directly impacted by the consequences of it.
I will be donating regularly to The Lee Sparks Foundation and also promoting the charity through my professional endeavours.
A charity supporting sufferers of NF
Valerie Marshal was an art teacher of 19 Years at Woodchurch High School on the Wirral and is the mother of a good friend of mine, Lisa. She tragically passed away from Pancreatic cancer on the first day of her official retirement. As a teacher, she was valued so much by her students but also, as a person, she always gave a huge amount of her time, especially to my local church at Holy Family, Pensby. She has made such a significant contribution to her friends, family, school and wider community and her memory will continue to inspire people to do the same.
I will be donating regularly this year to Pancreatic Cancer UK and also promoting the charity through my professional endeavours. It’s important that teachers like Val are never forgotten. If you wish to make your own donation to Pancreatic Cancer UK, click here.
Supporting the legacy of Val Marshall

I went to school with James Tyrell. He is a massive character and also one whose undoubted and unswerving commitment for good has to be commended. Last year, he set up his own charity, Laughter Africa, to support street children in Sierra Leonne. This is a cause close to my own heart after I spent 6 months living in Tanzania where children experience similar problems. James is currently living in Sierra Leonne, which is brave in itself, but is devoting his time and energy not for the pursuit of material gain, but to the betterment of other, less fortunate people.
I will be donating regularly this year to Laughter Africa and also promoting the charity through my professional endeavours. If you wish to support James' work by making your own donation, click here.
A grass roots charity working in Sierra Leonne with Street Children